| 07-Mar-2024 : समूह-04 के रिक्त पद सहायक ग्रेड-03 हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की सूची | 07-Mar-2024 : 07.03.2024 Vigyapti Senior Resident | 06-Mar-2024 : समुह 4 एवम 5 के रिक्त पदो के सम्बंध मे सुचना पत्र | 02-Mar-2024 : 02.03.2024 समूह-04 के रिक्त पदों के संबंध में सूचना पत्र | 02-Mar-2024 : 02.03.2024 Chayan Suchi Senior Resident



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A Prospective study of adverse drug reaction during 1st Six month of therapy due to HAART in HIV infected patients at Tertiary Care Hospital, Indore, India.
Title: Gender based profiling of opportunistic infections in AIDS patients in tertiary care center of a cosmopolitan city of central India
Title: Comparison of effect of Nifedipintabetalol and methyldopa in treatment of hypertension in pregnancy in tertiary care government hospital.
Title: To evaluate the prevalence of carotid artery plaque in patients of coronary artery disease
To find relationship between Colonic Mucosal changes in patients of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension.